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Ministry Update & Fall Kick Off


Your prayers, financial gifts, and participation have given us an opportunity to share the Good News with 1,454 boys and girls. The Lord has opened doors and our vibrant team of volunteers have answered the
call to serve with CEF in more than 30 different clubs and activities in the last 12 months.

I look forward to this coming year as we have volunteer teams ready to start their Good News Clubs in September and October. We are still waiting on the space rentals to go through, but you can enroll now and
I will send you more details.
Please pray for all our Good News Club leaders and the children who will be coming to club.


Celebrate with us after an amazing summer of reaching 238 kids! Our teens did so well and they are continuing to be involved in ministry during the school year.

Please continue to pray for,

  • Lincoln
  • Urijah
  • Bradley
  • Liesl
  • Chloe
  • Natalie
  • Hannah
  • Sarah
  • Rebekah


Your online gifts can now be given fee-free with the PayPal Giving Fund


All of our programs for children are offered free of charge. Would you like to help us start more clubs and reach more kids?

  • Curriculum is approximately $46/session
  • Club T-Shirts are $10/student
  • Flyers distributed at the school via email cost $25 per school
  • Average mileage reimbursement to staff is $300 month
  • Average space rental at the public schools runs ~$75 year
  • Cost to train a new teacher volunteer is $250

Thank you so much for your faithful support!


Please Contact Us for more information and to volunteer