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Ministry Update


Praise God for our Volunteers!

A huge thank you to:

In the Bremerton School District we have Karen G & Karen H reaching the children at View Ridge on Mondays and Armin Jahr on Wednesdays.

These two ladies have two clubs!

Also in Bremerton, Lenora, Jon and Joel reach the children at Kitsap Lake Elementary on Wednesdays. Lenora reported a praise: two children went to salvation counseling for the first time and asked good
questions, for example: "How can God hear us when we pray?" An added bonus for our club today was seeing children that are new to God's Word recite promises that were special to them.

In the Central Kitsap School District, children can ride the bus from Bud Hawk to Barrie and Sue's home for club on Thursdays. Thank you to them for opening their home and teaching the kids. Thanks also to
Amber and Elijah for volunteering to help them.

In South Kitsap School District, the children at Sidney Glen can ride the bus from school on Wednesdays to First Baptist Church of Port Orchard for club with Donna, Izzy, Sharon and Kim. Pastor Smart also
comes to spend time with the children and connect with the parents.

In the Peninsula School District we started our first JYC club. This is a Bible Study club using curriculum written by CEF of Ireland. We are reaching ages 10-16 at Peninsula Christian Church on Thursdays in
Gig Harbor.

If you're interested in registering for club, .

We want to start more clubs, but we need space

I have applied for space at Peninsula School District and am waiting for them to find us a classroom for us to use. God has called a number of volunteers who are eager to begin these clubs in the Gig Harbor
area. Do you know of a teacher at one of the following schools that will allow us to conduct a club in their classroom after school?

  • Artondale
  • Swift Water
  • Minter Creek
  • Voyager
  • Harbor Heights

If so, let me know by or by calling the office telephone 360-362-0395.


Our teen teaching team shared the Gospel

Liesl served two different churches this month with the teens by offering Mini-Kids conferences.

New Life in Silverdale brought several of their campuses together for a large church conference where (left to right) Hannah, Sarah, Liesl, Rebekah, Chloe and Natalie conducted a full club for the children.
They also broke into small groups and made wordless book bracelets with the kids and prayed with each one.

Afterwards, they were able to share the Gospel with some teens nearby who received the message well and expressed an interest in going to

Burley Bible Church held their annual Deeper Faith conference and asked us to return and lead the children in a Deeper Faith Kids conference. Liesl, Doug, Lincoln and Chloe spent two evenings with the
children and really enjoyed their time. Jeanette, who leads the children's ministry, was pleased that the normal volunteers could attend the conference.

It is a privilege to partner with churches and serve them in this way.

The children hear the Gospel and have fun learning more about God.

Do you know of a teen, age 12 & up that would like to join our team?

We provide all the training needed. for more information.


Training at CMI

In September, I returned to our national headquarters in Missouri to take a class called Instructor of Teachers. This two week course is the beginning step to become a candidate to teach the "Teaching
Children Effectively 1" course.

I have quite a bit of work to do in order to receive the credential, but I believe it's worth it. The 33 hour TCE-1 course is invaluable and I look forward to working with our excellent teacher trainers in
WA and bringing this to Kitsap County next year.


Friday, October 21st at 6pm

Please for our annual banquet. That One Place is bringing Prime Rib and Chicken, the 7 Foot Apologist will bring encouragement, and I will bring our plans for 2023. is required. Invite your friends. I'm sure
the evening will bless you!


Will you pray?

We have so much going on and I am continually offering praises to the Lord for leading us and opening doors so we can share His Good News
with the children in Kitsap County.

Please lift the following in prayer:

  1. That Peninsula School District and South Kitsap School District would be receptive and cooperative with
    the Good News Clubs we're trying to start in their schools.
  2. For sufficient staff to teach and help at our clubs.
  3. For children to be drawn to the clubs with open hearts and minds.
  4. I have been meeting with a few pastors to form partnerships, praise God for receptive meetings and please pray that I can continue
    building relationships. Also, pray for the meetings I have requested with pastors at churches not yet familiar with CEF.
  5. Pray that our banquet glorifies God and that we receive enough finances to meet our budget obligations for 2022 and beyond.
  6. Pray for the GNC teacher trainings I am doing on October 15th, 22nd and 29th 7. Christmas Party Club planning is beginning. Please pray for the teens as we schedule these clubs and for the children
    that will be attending.
  7. Our community One Less Orphan club will begin this Friday, the 14th. What a neat opportunity to teach the Bible Lesson and sing songs and pray in a store. I've seen several shoppers stop to listen.
    Please pray that many will come to know the Lord through this club.


May the Lord bless you for your heart to reach the children - Miranda