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Fair Time, You Are NEEDED!


Hello Faithful Supporters,

The ministry year is almost over and our last big event is our annual Wordless Book Bracelet booth at the Kitsap County Fair August 23rd through 27th.



First, we need your prayers*

This is a huge and long event. Reply to this email and let me know you want to pray and I will send you a daily update with specific prayer needs during the week.

Would you like to get my prayer emails?

Second, we need volunteers

The Wordless Book is a very simple, yet powerful way to share the Gospel and you will be taught hands on, how to present it in a way that children will understand and have an opportunity to respond. We
give God all the Glory when one of these little ones believe in Him!

Our booth also allows believers to personally invite the children and their families to church. This part is vital as many people coming do not have a church home.

For those that aren't familiar with our fair ministry, we provide the public with a free bracelet and tract. Every recipient hears the Gospel as they build their bracelet. We are even bringing back the
beloved red "Jesus Loves You"backpacks!

The fair is a lot of fun. Will you volunteer for a time slot? All volunteers will be reimbursed for their parking and entrance fees.

If you or if you know someone who wants to participate, please have them contact me.

Third, we need your financial support

A lot of supplies, resources, and miles go into the fair. It is an expensive outreach, but worth every penny.

The children of Kitsap County need Jesus. Last year we were the only Faith based booth for children. We are a light in the community and this outreach raises awareness of all that CEF does for children in
Kitsap County. In turn, our ministry grows and reaches more children.

Will you consider giving a special gift?


  • Each day, we need at least 2-4 people.
  • Please consider coming, and bring a friend!
  • We will reimburse you for parking ($10) and your fair entrance fee ($5).
  • Concerned you don't know how? Don't worry, we will teach you.

Wednesday, Aug 23

Three shifts available

  • Shift 1: 10am-2pm
  • Shift 2: 2pm-6pm
  • Shift 3: 6pm-9pm

Thursday, Aug 24

Fully staffed with Calvary Port Orchard, Thank you!

Friday, Aug 25

Three shifts available

  • Shift 1: 10am-2pm
  • Shift 2: 2pm-6pm
  • Shift 3: 6pm-9pm

Saturday, Aug 26

Fully staffed with Faith Community Bible Church. Thank you!

Sunday, Aug 27

Two shifts available

  • Shift 1: 10am-2pm
  • Shift 2: 2pm-6pm

Please E-Mail: mirandap@cefkitsap.org Miranda for more information or to sign up.